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Soils are an important resource in addressing food security. Most soils are exhausted due to over use yet fertilizer use is at only 2% in Uganda and most times a hazard due to salty residues in the soils. Ntulume Village Women Development Association (NVIWODA) has engaged women groups in Kabulasoke sub county Sub County in Gomba district [+]

Sustainable and Integrated Agriculture
Have engaged over 170 rural women farmers at household level and empowered them with sufficient skills in sustainable and integrated agriculture [+]

sufficient food growth
To Access safe, nutritious and sufficient food for a family is a basic need and is treated as a human right, with a priority given to most vulnerable women who put a meal on table daily. Food security project initiative implemented in Kabulasoke -Gomba, by Ntulume Village Women Development Association (NVIWODA), is linked to economic stability, a long-term health issue of families and women empowe [+]

Strengthened membership and collaboration.
Strengthened membership and collaboration with 32 Community Based women groups in ten districts of Uganda [+]

Partnership /Grant Award in 2013.
Won Global Fund for Women 15th Anniversary Partnership /Grant Award in 2013. [+]

Local Rainwater Harvesting Technology
Gomba District is located in the Central region of Uganda and is 80km from Kampala City the Capital of Uganda. Kabulasoke Sub- County where Ntulume Village Women Development Association (NVIWODA) operates is an area that has struggled with relentless environmental degradation and the most common among them is drought, caused by long dry spells affecting agriculture leading to hunger. Since 2 [+]
Improving Livelihoods
ENHANCING WOMEN’S RIGHTS THROUGH ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT Since 1987, through social and economic development undertakings, Ntulume Village Women Development Association (NVIWODA) has reached over 3,500 women in various districts of Uganda. NVIWODA is a woman non-governmental organization established in 1987, by a group of women who resided in Ntulume Village by then. NVIWODA operates un [+]